Sunday, December 9, 2012

Frosty the Snowman

Our first snowfall of the year!  Fun in the snow was what this family needed.  We had a blast throwing snowballs, building a snowman, steamrolling each other, and "daddy" piles.  Laughs and giggles escaped all of us, especially when Daddy played an old trick from 10 years ago on Mommy.  When we started dated, Tim and I loved to play in the snow together.  So the first snowball fight consisted of Tim spitting in the snowballs and hitting me with them.  Why did I stay with him you ask?!  Because he still makes me giggle like a school girl today!  Awesome day for us!

Max supervising Daddy's snow packing

The finished product
A hockey stick and baseball bat for arms, topped with a Guinness stocking hat

So right as I'm taking this picture, Lincoln shoves Max into the snow

Daddy to the rescue!  Max hates, as we all do, getting snow in his face.

Frosty kickin' it in the front yard

Time for Mom to throw some balls!

They tried to take me down but didn't succeed.  However, Dad did!

Love these boys with all of my being!

Time to make Charlie eat some snow

Daddy steamrolling all the boys

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