Monday, March 28, 2011

"He shoots he scores!"

Sunday was a bitter sweet night for us but one to remember. My dad bought tickets to the Timberwolves/Celtics game for all of us (Celtics is his team) but he was unable to join us. He is having major neck issues that made it impossible to drive here. We made due with text messages throughout the whole game so it made it feel like Dad was with us. We love you soooo much Dad and hated that you weren't sitting at the game with us. We just want you to get better fast so the boys can jump all over you! Thank you very much for the tickets! And thanks to Uncle Terry for dinner and my wonderful husband who stayed home with the lil boys so we could attend the game!"
Uncle Terry and Cousin Steve with Charlie at the game.

Charlie wasn't too fond of the loud noises but hey neither was Uncle Terry :)

Uncle Terry and Aunt Tina posing for CT

Uncle Terry took Charlie down closer to the court so he could see how tall these guys actually are, even though cousin Steve is pretty darn close!

We couldn't believe that the Wolves made it a close game. They don't have the best record, 17-50ish. booooo!

And Papa's team pulls out a win!!! GO CELTICS!

"I see birds so it must be Spring!" exclaims C.T.

Tim and I have been a bit worried about this summer and not having a fence for the little ones to play safely "inside". We were out on Saturday afternoon cleaning the garage etc and the lil boys surprised us. Yes they were muddy and explored the entire yard BUT they stayed close to their big brother and never left or had to be reminded over and over again. It gave me hope that I WILL be ok this summer. :)
These 3 are going to keep me young and get me back into shape this summer!

Tim was playing with our camera and captured a sweet moment for this Mom. They will never be this small again. They will never fit in my arms the same way again. Down the line they will develop attitudes and not want Mom's hugs and kisses. So I treasure this moment and the pictures that my husband captures for me.

You will outgrow my lap but NEVER my heart! These two goofballs were actually sharing the lawnmower!
Double trouble

CT is so excited to be back on his bike!

I wish Linc was in this picture BUT it is a great picture either way!

Charlie and his lil garden that him and Tim started. This child is overjoyed that the snow is melting. He had fun this winter but it was way too long!

Advice for the fathers that read my blog, please take the time to pick up that camera and freeze a moment or two in time for your wife, the mother of your children. No amount of flowers, diamonds, or $$ compares to having sweet, special times shared with her children captured on video or film. PRICELESS! Tim realizes this now and I am so thankful for that. I appreciate every shot he takes!!

We Love Visitors!

We had a great week, all the way through the weekend. Aunt Faye was here Tuesday thru Thursday for a conference and stayed with us. On Saturday Aunt Teresa, Cousin Amanda and Sloane were here for pictures, lunch, and DINOS! We were happy to see everyone and enjoyed our time spent together!
Aunt Faye and Max working and reading

Aunt Faye brought presents for all the boys and they were so thankful! Thanks again Faye!
Checking out their new Potato Heads and movie

Max, Lincoln, and Sloane reading together

(Sloane was born just over a month before the boys)

Sloane and Linc climbing. Charlie was so excited when he found out that Sloane loves dinosaurs too!

Amanda at work! Charlie actually got this pic - Not bad.

Aunt Teresa dancing for Charlie

Mamas playin' with the tots

I love that it looks like Max is reading to Linc and Sloane. They are obviously interested. It has been great to see them grow. Charlie still remembers going to the hospital to see Sloane after she was born. Thanks again Amanda for your talent and time!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Good Luck Charmers

The Olson Men at the parade

Everyday promises to be eventful with these 3!

Ready for BEEEEER!

Loves taking pics of his handsome self

Mom's Lucky Charm!

Charlie's buddy Keira

Keira, CT, Max, and Linc ready for the action to start

Keira and CT dancin' with the bands

Linc and Charlie gathered all the candy together

Max felt safer with Daddy

Lincoln - The Good Luck Charmer
Max - "I look like a Million Bucks!"

Unlce Ben's Day!

We're so very thankful
We're so very fortunate too
To have you as a Brother-In-Law
And a great friend too
Happy Birthday and all the Best!
We had the honor of celebrating Ben's birthday with him on Saturday night (Heather's hubby). The boys saw him for a short while before bed but made sure they gave him all the love they could. Tim, Heather, myself and Ben made a night of it! Heather and I both agreed that we needed those laughs and the boys delivered. It was a great way to celebrate such a great guy! He is wonderful to Heather and all of us! It took sooo long to get together b/c of everyday hiccups in life BUT it doesn't matter in the end! We made it happen, had a wonerful time, and can't wait for the next. Love you both!

Heather and the boys were hiding in their "cave"

Uncle Ben and Linc doing a puzzle (Linc was a lil better when they got here)

Uncle Ben with his lil dudes. Ben and Charlie both sporting their Twins hats


Ben's favorite - DQ cake. Ben said the cake made him feel like his lil brother was with him (Sam is stationed in Japan right now)

one tiny candle to make the wish that counts all year long

Charlie giving good night hugs to his Aunt and Uncle

Our push up contest! Tim was obviously making fun of the girls!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thanks Uncle Terry and Aunt Colleen!!

(I borrowed this pic from Colleen's facebook collection) My Aunt Colleen and Uncle Terry watched the boys for us last night while Tim and I had a night out. Charlie was so excited he couldn't focus on anything else. We appreciate their help and making the drive down to hang out with the boys!

The boys are sporting their tattoos that Uncle Terry brought them.

Are you loving the expression on Lincoln's face in this picture?! haha All he needs in a pack of cigs rolled up in his sleeve.

Max and Linc love to hug and show their affection for each other

"Hey Mama! We're not doing anything!"

Linc loves the Little People books that are full of pictures. His fav is the animal book

Max has a new official nickname given to him by Papa "Booker". This kid reads in bed, at the dinner table, while everyone else is playing around him....

Linc reading with his buddy Pils