Friday, June 14, 2013

Grandma/Papa/Mak/Zak/Mary/Bball Camp

Because I didn't finish school when Charlie did, Grandma came out for 2 weeks to help Tim and I with the boys.  We appreciate all of her hard work taking care of the boys, helping us get ready for short notice showings on the house, and assisting us during our house hunt.  She was also able to make it to Charlie's school picnic the last week.  There were days when she didn't have a car but needed to get Charlie to bball practice so they took the St. Peter transit bus.  She didn't mind and the boys loved it.  She kept the boys busy painting birdhouses, visiting the park and library, and making a stepping stone for our new house.
When Papa came to get her, he brought Aunt Mary, Mak, and Zak.  That was a big treat for all of us to see them again.  We took the boys to Legoland and the Rainforest Cafe.  Uncle Terry came down as well for their traditional hike at 7 Mile.

Grandma with the boys at the Livestock Festival

We love bouncy house slides!

Best Basketball Coach Ever!  Sara is great for Charlie.  She has helped him build his confidence and his skills have improved so much.

"Check me out Grandma!"

Another park visit

Fun, Fun, Fun!


After his brothers helped him get over the fear, Max had a blast

Max hates loud noises, so Grandma covered his ears during Charlie's basketball camp

Working on his ball handling skills

Maxwell and Malaki at Rainforest Cafe for lunch

Charlie can't get enough of Baby Zak!

Auntie Mary and Baby Zak

These two are 2 months apart.  Best Buds.

Happy baby boy thanks to his amazing Mama!

Papa with all of his wild animals A.K.A. GRANDSONS

Coloring intently with Papa

Celebrating Father's Day with Papa.  The grandsons gave Papa a bag of Hershey bars, marshmallows, and graham crackers.  Tim, Mary, and I gave him the firepit he will need to make the smores for the grandkids.  He was very excited about it!

"Uncle Ter look at the camera!"
(1st time Zak met Uncle Ter)

Lincoln and Porter napping.

Thanks again Mom/Grandma for everything you did for us!  We love you!

Week #22 "Pure Joy"


No Boys Allowed! 2013 trip

On Memorial weekend, we had our annual girls' trip!  It was much needed around the board.  We did our usual shopping, movie theater visit, swimming, eating, and rest.  We had extra special shopping to do this time around - BRIDESMAID DRESSES!  Christina Marie is getting married!
I appreciate the women in my life and cherish the time we spend together.  Our relationships are special and I am so grateful we get these trips together.  

Fashion show by Izzy and Soph

Auntie Tina and Sophie bought the same scarf :)

Grandma, Izzy, Mel, Faye, Tina, Sophie, and Mary

We are sisters - we are family.  What is you, is me - 
there is nothing you could ever say to make me let go!  I love you!

Of course I came home with photos Tina took of herself - she is going to make a beautiful bride!

I don't want to go through anything without these 3!

Week #21 "What Makes Me Feel Safe?"

Little Porter is our newest addition to the family.  He wants more than anything to be right next to Pilsener.  
His comfort, his companion, his friend, his sense of safety!