Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Few Words From Boy Genius

Well I just have to share with all of you some of the things that Charles T. has said to us recently...

Last night Charlie and I went to Mankato to get some things for the house decorations and on the way home we were talking. Charlie says to me "Momma you are somethin' else" and it was definitely in the right context.

Yesterday Tim was talking to Charlie and Tim mumbled something at Charlie (he couldn't understand dad). Charlie's response was "Daddy I don't know what you are saying". That is the response Charlie gets when he is screaming something at us or mumbling. haha

At the beginning of the week Charlie kept asking me for something. He had asked me and I had already answered him but it obviously wasn't the answer he was looking for. Finally I said "Charlie what did I say?" and then he repeated what I had said 10 minutes again. Later that day we were talking and I kept asking him a question b/c he wasn't answering. So Charles T. says to me "Momma WHAT did I say?" Smart***!

I talked to one of the teachers that runs the Follow Along Program for young kiddos (something Charlie has been apart of since birth). She said she didn't want to use the word "advanced" but clearly Charlie is ahead of the game and she was very impressed when they had a conversation while she was here. At his age the average is for the child to use 3 words in a sentence - our child has been talking in paragraphs for quite some time (hears Momma talk all day). Max and Lincoln are now signed up with the program and I can't wait to see how they do at diferent stages of their development.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Lets Do Some Shots!

Max and Linc had their two month well baby checks today and the rest of the family got H1N1 shots. I left to get blood work done and Tim helped with the babies' shots. He said it was a good thing that I left because he had never heard Max cry like he did (good thing Momma was out of the room). Their stats are below - can't believe I had doubted my milk production!

As far as Max's hernia is concerned, the doctor said it hasn't grown since I took him in last week. He sees Dr. Rich, a ped's surgeon on December 4th to find out what the next step is. There are days where it seems like it doesn't bother him and days where you can see in his face that he is uncomfortable.

Maxwell George

Height - 22 inches

Weight - 10 lbs 15 oz

Lincoln Thomas

Height - 21 3/4 inches

Weight - 10 lbs 12 oz

Aunt Tina loves to make Linc laugh

Tim finds it easier to bathe the boys together and Charlie LOVES it

Linc staring at Dad

Hey Momma

One day last week Charlie put his suit on to play with water and pots from the kitchen

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Babies 1st Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Today was a very relaxed day at home with our boys and their Aunt Tina. We decided to stay home this year because of the twins' colds and Maxwell's hernia. They are starting to feel better now and definitely enjoyed a day of snuggling with us. Tim made an amazing spread of food for dinner and I was in charge of dessert (easy!). Tim has cooked with my mom for lots of holidays in the past so it was easy for him to make our traditional dishes (cigars, meat pies, etc). It makes me feel like we are at home when he cooks HAGGAR food. Tina and I definitely appreciated his efforts.

Those of you that know Charlie well, know that he needed Ranch with his turkey! haha We wanted to share some of his favorite Thanksgiving books with you: "Clifford's Thanksgiving", "Franklin's Thanksgiving", and "Thanksgiving is Here". While I was making the pumpkin pie Charlie said we were making the pumpkin-fly pie (from his Franklin book). He can tell you about each of those books like an adult can retell a novel.

Mr. Lincoln snoozin'

Maxwell loves to smile and coos a ton now

Bomber Boys


A great day for our family

A wonderful meal to fill our belllies

Tim carving his turkey wearing his apron that my mom gave him when we got married

"If I liked these, they would be really good"

A direct quote from Tina. She tried a cigar for the first time and didn't like it. haha It is definitely an aquired taste - a traditional Haggar dish that MOST of us like.

I got so many hugs today from Charlie - nothing better in this world than hugs from your 2 yr old and smiles from your 2 mo olds.

The boys making their Aunt feel welcome for Thanksgiving

Charles T. Construction Co. Est. 2009

On Tuesday the UPS truck showed up with a giant box addressed to Charles Olson. It is a HUGE Caterpillar Backhoe that has pedals, scoop, and bucket. Charlie called his Papa and Grandma right away to thank them for his early Christmas present. My mom said they saw it and HAD to order it so Charlie could start his construction company right away. When he was waiting for Tim to get home and put it together he kept saying "I'm so anxious Momma!" 'Is this what Uncle Chris drives?"

It is definitely something to keep in the garage BUT our son won't let it out of his site so it is in the living room right now. :) Thanks Papa and Grandma, you made his year!!

He just woke up from his nap and couldn't believe his eyes

Tim appreciated the hour project after work :)

He was more than happy to put it together and place the stickers "perfectly" in the backhoe

'I can't believe it's mine!"

Like I said Tim was MORE than happy to put it together - a seat in front and back

Loves to scoop up his toys with the backhoe

Always willing to share with his brothers as long as they ride in the bucket

It was 30 degrees and Charlie insisted on trying it out in the sandbox

Monday, November 23, 2009

Amazing Sisters, Friends, Aunties, and Lifesavers

My baby sister Mary left her son, brand new house, and job to come out here to help me with the boys and tagteam babysit with my other sister Christina. Thanks to both of my sisters, Tim and I were able to go out for our anniversary and attend Tim's annual holiday party at work. When Tim and I weren't out together, the sisters were able to go do things on our own. We went shopping, to the movies, and did lots of chatting over food. We had a wonderful time together and I haven't laughed that much in a long time. Definitely what the doctor ordered. Christina said as we were leaving dinner one night "You guys, we are going to be Mom and her sisters in 20 years!" (My mom has always stayed connected with her sisters even though they all live in different cities) We are very lucky to have each other, to be there to lift each other up on a bad day and to celebrate together when we are on top of the world. I don't know where I would be without them.

When we left last night to take Mary to the airport, Tim had to take Charlie downstairs to calm down b/c he didn't want her to leave. Lots of tears flowing for Charlie AND Mary. It absolutely tears me up inside when Charlie has to say goodbye to my family. He knows what it means when I say they have to go back to Rapid City. My dad said he feels like they are breaking Charlie's heart everytime they leave. It is too hard for me to explain why he can't see them all the time and I dread the day I have to explain it to Max and Linc as well.

Ladies Thank you for spending the weekend with my boys and I! Mary, we miss you already and can't wait to see you again. I LOVE YOU BOTH SO VERY MUCH!

Aunt Mary's Men

The boys with their Aunties Tina and Mary

"I LOVE THESE GRILS!" (how Charlie says girls)

"I'm not wearing any pants Mar!"

Playing trains with Aunt Mary

Cool as a cucumber

Max spent alot of time with Mary - we think the hernia is bothering him more than before :(

Aunt Mary had to borrow a suit case b/c of all the shopping we did (don't tell Uncle Chris)

Saying good bye again before the holiday party

Mr. Lincoln and his Aunt Tina

Mr. Wells eating with Aunt Mary (Uncle Chris' nickname for Max)

Lincoln not sure which Auntie to look at

The exhausted Aunts after two days of babysitting

They kept telling me they don't know how I do it by myself (I don't either!)

Tina making fun of my hair as usual!

Charlie and Mary counting in the car

twelve, thirteen, fourteen, five teen, fourteen (he's trying to get to 20 these days)

Max's favorite spot all weekend

Charlie and Tina during their sleepover

Charlie's sleepover

"I love it when Mom and Dad are gone" Ice cream sundaes

'To heck with broccoli, lets get to the good stuff"

Reconnecting After 4 Years

On November 19th, 2005 Tim and I promised to love each other thru good times and bad, thru sickness and health, for the rest of our lives. This past year has brought many changes in our relationship and we definitely needed our anniversary to find each other again and focus on US.
The day started when I found a box on the dining room table with a note. The note said to be ready by 5:30, that he was going to top our first date (which was church and the bagel shop seven years ago) etc. I opened the box to find a new beautiful dress!! At 5:30 the doorbell rang and their stood my "date" with a dozen red roses. Charlie answered the door and said "What are you doing Dad?" Tim said "I'm here to take your Momma on a date". Charlie came running in the bathroom "Mom, Daddy is here with flowers". I walked out to see the biggest smile on his face and he was wearing his black suit. My sisters shut the door behind us, reassuring me that the boys would be just fine. We had a wonderful night and can't wait for the next time.
The other part of my present was this amazing picture that brought tears to my eyes. It is a picture of Tim and I on our honeymoon in Jamaica WITH 300 small pictures within the large one. All of the small pictures are the events from the past 4 years, including our beautiful children and other family members.

My wonderful surprise

My beautiful new dress

The picture (flash ruined the pic - sorry)

The frame says "Kiss me and you will see stars, Love me and I will give them to you"

The couple on their way out

To My Wonderful Husband: I don't know how you are going to top this anniversary BUT I can't wait to see you try. Thank you for making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the room and an appreciated wife and mother. I love you more than you will ever know. I can't wait to see where the next 4 years takes us - lets hope it doesn't mean more babies! Our family is complete with our 3 handsome sons.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Day with Nama

The boys' Nama came down today to take Charlie on a special outing AND to let me take a much needed nap. They had a great time together, ate lunch with Dad, went to the mall to play trains and purchased a few (Thanks Nama), ride the horses in the food court, and eat ice cream. They made it back to read books and play downstairs with the babies.

Thanks so much Linda for spending the day with Charlie and "unloading" my responsibilities for a day. It is great to get extra help and watch Charlie enjoy his grandparents! We have been blessed to get help from quite a few people lately and we can't thank you all enough. Every little bit helps and we appreciate everyone's help. An old student of mine came to play with Charlie yesterday, Aunt Tina makes her weekly trips to explore caves with Charlie, Aunt Mary is flying in tomorrow to help, grandparents are always making plans to get here, and Jolly LOVES helping us at church with the boys. THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Reading stories

The babies are enjoying the story as well

Lincoln sleeping

Max getting Momma time alone - very rare

Nama and her grandsons

Times to cherish and hold onto