Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Few Words From Boy Genius

Well I just have to share with all of you some of the things that Charles T. has said to us recently...

Last night Charlie and I went to Mankato to get some things for the house decorations and on the way home we were talking. Charlie says to me "Momma you are somethin' else" and it was definitely in the right context.

Yesterday Tim was talking to Charlie and Tim mumbled something at Charlie (he couldn't understand dad). Charlie's response was "Daddy I don't know what you are saying". That is the response Charlie gets when he is screaming something at us or mumbling. haha

At the beginning of the week Charlie kept asking me for something. He had asked me and I had already answered him but it obviously wasn't the answer he was looking for. Finally I said "Charlie what did I say?" and then he repeated what I had said 10 minutes again. Later that day we were talking and I kept asking him a question b/c he wasn't answering. So Charles T. says to me "Momma WHAT did I say?" Smart***!

I talked to one of the teachers that runs the Follow Along Program for young kiddos (something Charlie has been apart of since birth). She said she didn't want to use the word "advanced" but clearly Charlie is ahead of the game and she was very impressed when they had a conversation while she was here. At his age the average is for the child to use 3 words in a sentence - our child has been talking in paragraphs for quite some time (hears Momma talk all day). Max and Lincoln are now signed up with the program and I can't wait to see how they do at diferent stages of their development.


Karlie, Claire and Avery said...

Charlie, you are an amazing little boy, love those follow along programs, your cousins have been in it since birth also. We miss you and love you Charlie, Lincoln and Max!

Whitney Black said...

Just wanted to let you know about our super holiday blog design giveaway, we have 14 giveaways and 34 winners total!