Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thanks Uncle Terry and Aunt Colleen!!

(I borrowed this pic from Colleen's facebook collection) My Aunt Colleen and Uncle Terry watched the boys for us last night while Tim and I had a night out. Charlie was so excited he couldn't focus on anything else. We appreciate their help and making the drive down to hang out with the boys!

The boys are sporting their tattoos that Uncle Terry brought them.

Are you loving the expression on Lincoln's face in this picture?! haha All he needs in a pack of cigs rolled up in his sleeve.

Max and Linc love to hug and show their affection for each other

"Hey Mama! We're not doing anything!"

Linc loves the Little People books that are full of pictures. His fav is the animal book

Max has a new official nickname given to him by Papa "Booker". This kid reads in bed, at the dinner table, while everyone else is playing around him....

Linc reading with his buddy Pils

1 comment:

Karlie, Claire and Avery said...

Love you and miss you boys,
Auntie Em, Uncle JP, cousins, Karlie, Claire and Aves!!!!