Mother's Day was an interesting day for me with emotions across the board. I found myself sitting in church without my husband but with my three handsome sons. As I sat there feeling sorry for myself because I desperately wanted Tim to be sitting with me, I realized I had nothing to feel sad about. I sat there and watched Lincoln eat cheerios off the floor, Max rearrange bibles and Hymnals in the pew, and Charlie try to sing along with our parish family during a song. I felt proud of my sons for sitting so nicely in church with their Mama. I felt loved while receiving hugs and snotty kisses from them. I felt blessed that He trusted these three little men with me (and Tim)!
No matter how hard the days get for me I will always feel lucky that I get to spend every day with my sons, that they come to me for protection, that I get to share in their milestones, and I wipe their tears and comfort them. You don't understand how much you can love someone until you become a parent.
It is the first year of my blog, 250 pages! Best scrapbook known to ME!
It is great to be appreciated and loved
Human Jungle Gym aka Mom
Love my Max
Mother's Day 2011 - My 4th mother's day
As we are driving to church Charlie was listening to the radio and he says "Mama the guy on the radio said today is Mother's day and we should call our moms and say Happy Mother's day. So Happy Day Mama!" To the guy on the radio, Thank you! Charlie thought it was still his birthday and had asked me at breakfast to sing Happy Birthday to him again. :)
P.S. Tim was working with Aunt Tina that morning but was able to spend the rest of the day with us. I was able to relax for a bit in between lunch and buying Charlie's new fish. AND a pedicure Monday evening helped! Everyday is Mother's Day for me!
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