Monday, July 19, 2010

Love Never Fails

On Saturday afternoon Tim and I attended Steve's wedding, one of Tim's old college roommates. We were able to go alone and enjoy the evening while Grandma and Papa took Charlie on the 1880 train and took care of the babes all night. Charlie had his first sleep over at Aunt Mary and Uncle Chris' that night. It went well because he was able to sleep with Tina :)

Introducing Steve and Christina Lipetzky

They are amazing dancers! Best wedding dancing I've ever seen!

Tim and our buddy Neil toasting Steve, friends from college

Yeah, Tim was very much enjoying himself with Neil, Wade, and Steve

We were very touched by the Priest's words, "Love will never fail you"

Man I love these guys! Sidekicks for life

In the middle of some crazy dance moves

We all got a kick out of Steve's hair for the wedding, so he did something "special" for a picture. I'll have to get the name of his stylist :)

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