Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Roller Coaster of Events

We are still recovering from our crazy busy weekend. Nobody can say that Charlie doesn't get out enough!! It all started on Friday night when Charlie's Aunt Heather graduated from college and ended with a trip to the emergency room Sunday night.
Aunt Heather graduated with her culinary degree from St. Paul Community College on Friday night and Charlie did awesome. The ceremony didn't start until 7pm but he was a champ til the end. We are very proud of Heather for her accomplishments and hard work.Saturday morning we got in the car and headed to Sioux Falls for Charlie's Great-Grandpa Ed's 85th birthday party. Charlie met a lot of my family who haven't gotten the chance to see him before. Tim was blown away when he found out how many cousins I have since he has 4. There are 9 cousins on my mom's side and 12 on my dad's. The Haggars love to reproduce!!On Sunday we were able to take Charlie to the Great Plains Zoo in Sioux Falls before we left for home. Great Grandpa Ed, Papa, and Nana all joined Charlie for his first trip to a zoo. I think the turtle was his favorite :) My camera battery died the night before so we didn't get digital pictures of the day - BUMMER!The whole weekend Charlie was acting tired and very mellow. We thought it was from being in the car a lot or not having the space to crawl, walk, play etc. He woke up Sunday at midnight with a temp of 106! You can imagine the panic I was in..... We raced to the ER and they basically tortured our baby to find out he has a double ear infection and pneumonia. He had no classic signs of an ear infection, but did have a cough??.. However, I did find out that night how strong my husband is. I was crumbling after watching Charlie bleed, scream, and being restrained. Tim was my rock once again - talking to and soothing Charlie while he hugged me. Charlie and I are very lucky to have him.
OK, I will attach about a million pictures now after my "story". Love you all!


Heather with her proud Mama

Charlie with his Great Aunt Becky

They've watch her hit every milestone...

eat solid foods, dress herself, learn to drive, and graduate college

Great Grandma Millie entertaining Charlie during the ceremony

"Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock.."

We are proud of you Sister!!!




Tony, Papa, Terry, Ted, Tom, Mart, Great Papa, and Teresa

Four Generations

The Gamboian Princesses

My cousin Amie with her daughters, Victoria and Julianna

Charlie and his Papa reading

Nana and Charlie at Granite City


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