Sunday, October 7, 2012

Timothy Jon...another year older

Tim is quite an incredible husband, father, brother, uncle, son, and friend to all of us!  His birthday was a complete success thanks to his sisters and their families, along with his entertaining sons.  The house was crazy loud with laughter, great stories about Nama/Mom O., and comments towards the football players on TV.  We spent half the night opening numerous cards sent to the family in Linda's name.  It is still amazing to think about how many people's lives were touched by her and her smile.  
We were also blessed with an unforgettable gift given to each of us from Heather's friend/cousin, Kayla.  She put together a book of pictures she took from our Light the Night walk for Linda.  Words can't describe how much that means to all of us!
Nama/Mom O. - We wish you could have been here with us tonight.  But just know that we laughed, hugged, and enjoy our time together.  And you were still the center of a few of the jokes!  We love you! 

The 6 grandkids
Charlie - Claire - Lincoln - Max - Karlie - Avery

Charlie and Claire (very loud pic!)

Time for presents 
Thank you to everyone for the wonderful gifts for the boys and Tim!  It is all very much appreciated!

Karlie read her card to Max - so sweet

The birthday kids
Lincoln and Max 3
Claire 6
Tim 31

The 6 BIG kids
Top - Tim, JP, Ben
Bottom - Melissa, Emily, Heather

A few pillow fights as well

Go Vikes!

Star Wars Fight

"Happy Birthday to you..."

Claire loves Uncle Tim so much she shared her candle with him :)

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