Friday, October 5, 2012

Light the Night 2012

Light The Night Walk:
Taking Steps To Cure Cancer

Each year, in communities all across the United States and Canada teams of families, friends, co-workers and local and national corporations come together to raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS's) Light The Night Walk events and bring help and hope to people battling blood cancers.

Heather's good friend and cousin-in-law, Kayla, put our team together this year for the walk to represent and honor our FIGHTER!  We had around 30 people supporting and walking with us on Sunday, Sept 23rd.  It was an absolutely amazing experience that we will never forget and plan to be apart of every year.  All of the supporters carry RED balloons, the survivors and fighters carry WHITE balloons, and those fighters that lost the battle were represented by a GOLD balloon.  Heather carried their mom's white balloon with honor and pride!  After a heartfelt speech from Tim, the three siblings let Linda's white balloon float up to the stars.  All of the balloons had lights in them which made for an unforgettable impression on all of us.  We will never forget the first and only year we were able to carry the white balloon.    
Kayla and her husband, Danny, took lots of pictures and video of the night.  We are so grateful for both of them and what they captured for us.  THANK YOU!

Daddy and Charlie ready to walk and share Nama's story

The Target Field for the walk

Tim was excited to be there and inspired by the stories we heard

Jess and Tate joined us which was so appreciated!

Linda's lifelong friend, Pam, came with her husband and other great friend Cindy. 

This was Lincoln on the BIG screen!  The camera guy followed him around which he thought was great.


Heather and Ben ready to walk

Jess, Tate, and Tim

Nama's six grandbabies

Linda's pride and joy(s)
Tim - Emily - Heather

Linda's sister Becky and husband John

Charlie and Avery having a blast together

Charlie chose to sit with his cousins and not his brothers for the opening ceremonies.

Nama aka Mom O. - 
You will always be in our hearts and minds.  You will always impact our decisions.  You will always be apart of our successes and sadness.  You will always be remembered as the blond, curly haired NAMA that loved to laugh, make trouble with the kids, and play with your flowers.  
We all remember different things about you that impacted our lives and we will all keep those memories safe and locked in our hearts.  Please tell Papa Jon all about those 6 beautiful grandbabies and your 3 amazing children and their sidekicks.  We know you are comforted, safe, and cancer-free in Jon's arms.  You are "home" and back where you felt the most alive.  
One day we will meet again.  Until then, please watch over us and keep us safe from harm, illness, and heartache.  We have another wonderful guardian angel on our sides.  We love you!

"Guardian angels are perhaps the most popular kind, probably because we all know how fragile life can be. We desperately need protection from unexpected circumstances and unseen dangers. Just the thought of good angels hovering around us gives people a feeling of safety!" -- Gary Kinnaman   

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