May 7, 2011 you turn 4 Charles T.! You deserve the best that life can offer you and MORE. You are a young man with an old soul and we love you to pieces! I will never forget playing Scrabble with your Dad while I was in labor with you. I could handle anything thrown my way because I knew in God's time I would meet you, kiss you, and never let you go! Just last week you and I were snuggling and I said "I wish we could stay like this forever!" and your response was "Mama I can't stay in your arms forever." Always thinking realistically aren't you?!
Thank you to all of you that made Charlie's birthday one for the books!! We appreciate you taking the time out of your schedules to spend the day with us and our birthday boy.
Charlie also wanted to say thank you for ALL the text messages, phone calls, emails, and cards he received!! We are all lucky to have Charles T. in our lives. 

Nama Linda's 6 grandchildren
Lincoln, Max, Avery, Karlie, Charlie, and Claire
DINO-mite birthday
"Dig in guys!"
We also celebrated Mother's Day with Nama and Grma Millie
Charlie made Grma Millie a special frame and needed to explain
The birthday boy giving out Thank You hugs to Aunt Heather...
and Grma Millie
and Claire
and Karlie
and Uncle JP
Avery, Claire, Karlie, Aunt Heth and Linc, and CT
Uncle Ben, CT, Karlie, Avery, Grma Millie and Claire taking a break from walking
Great Grma getting her hugs in with Avery and Claire
Amazed by the arctic fox
The girls keepin' Linc in line
Karlie, Avery, Linc, Claire, CT, Mom aka Aunt Mel and Max checkin' out the lion
Avery is on Tiger duty
Linc was Uncle Ben's man. Ben told me to enjoy having my hands empty and I DID! Thanks guys!
Claire Bear with Ben, CT and Nama (not sure about the faces there) and Daddy with Linc.
Famous Line of The Day came from Claire : "Uncle Ben those are Buffalo Wild Wings!" She saw the buffaloes and got very excited.
Can you guess? Claire and Charlie were inseparable!
There they are again. Claire is 7months 2 days older than Charlie but they are great friends!
The 3 amigos checkin' out the seals
The Tim Olson family at the Como Zoo
Aunt heather was givin' Maximus spankin's and he couldn't stop giggling
MY BOYS FOR LIFE Nothing could make a Mom happier
Well, Grandma they tried really hard to bring that turtle home for you.
Finger in the nose while he sang "Nigh-Nigh"
We also had to sing Happy Birthday to YELLOW! That blanket has made it 4 years and finally ripped last week. Still holding strong though.
Charlie will be making his annual donation next week. We planned to do it this week and Grandma and Papa requested that we wait so they could help with the contribution. He has already gotten help from a few and we couldn't be happier about it!! Those pictures will come soon.
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