Saturday, May 28, 2011


Thanks to Gran and Papa, the Olson family had the privilege of another vacation in Okaboji. We went a month earlier than last year which meant cooler weather and less people. With most of the days bringing rain, we had to be creative to stay busy. So we occupied our time with shopping, crafts, mini golf, games, and lots of books/snuggle time. The boys needed no time to adjust, sleeping well for naps and during the night (thank goodness!) They had a great time with their Papa and Grandma, not thinking twice about where Mom and Dad were.
We are very fortunate to have spent this week as a family and the boys with their grandparents. Tim and I were able to have 3 dates in ONE week!! We don't hesitate when Gran says "Go! I have the boys. GO!" It means so much to us to have that time together, as a couple AND as a family. THANK YOU VERY MUCH Mom and Dad for giving my family a much needed vacation WITH you two! We love you and appreciate your thoughtfulness!

1st day of crafts with Gran - thanks to Charlie's buddy Keira who got him dinosaurs to paint for his b-day! Thanks Keira!
"Ahoy Matey!" Pirates' storytime with Papa
More painting with Aunt Tina

It was chilly on the beach but that didn't stop the bubbles and sandcastle building
Papa and Linc diggin' away
This year we didn't have to worry about them eating the sand
Aunt Tina coloring with the boys at lunch

Dad built a shark out of sand with the boys' help
Windy day on the beach
Oh Gran! Thank you so much for prolonging Yellow's life! Grandma fixed the hole in CT's blankie so it can last another 4 years.
After a long, cold day
The boys sportin' their new OKABOJI sweatshirts
Tim and I spent one of our dates on the golf course. It was the only day that it didn't rain.
Great day for a great husband and father!
Max's book of choice for the week was the phone book! When one of us needed to use it he would get pretty angry.
Max's favorite Boat House breakfast - Cinn Roll
Mini Golf Indoors
Papa would shoot his ball toward the hole and Linc would pick it up and hand it back. haha
I'm not sure how much money Gran spent on the horsey. The boys were addicted.
Another day of crafts with Grandma - PAINTING
Linc's canvas of choice was his belly
Maxy says "CHEESE"
Loved his vacation
Papa on tot duty
"Our grandchildren accept us for ourselves, without rebuke or effort to change us, as no one in our entire lives has ever done, not our parents, siblings, spouses, friends - and hardly ever our own grown children." ~Ruth Goode

I love watching my children with my parents. It is an amazing feeling as their daughter and as the mother of those boys, to witness the indescribable love between them.
Can't wait for next year!
"Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What's that suppose to mean? In my heart it don't mean a thing". ~Toni Morrison
Charlie and Grandma's paintings = BEACH

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