Monday, June 14, 2010

It's always a treat to wish Happy Birthday to people so sweet

We went to Tim's Aunt Nancy's house on Saturday to celebrate the summer birthdays (Rol and I always celebrated ours together). Of course, like today, it was rainy and gloomy outside but the atmosphere in the house was warm and entertaining. Nancy and her boyfriend Art threw a wonderful party for the family and it ended with a trip to see the Falls in her neighborhood. Charlie enjoyed everyone's company but Max and Linc wanted to stay close to Mom and Dad (much like Charlie at this age).

Thanks to Nancy and Art for a wonderful afternoon and great food! Thanks to everyone for Charlie's birthday gifts as well. He came straight home to build his dinosaurs from Aunt Maridee, Uncle Erik, and cousin Julia. :)

My husband the goofball with his Mom and Uncle Eric in the rain

Nama with Karlie and Charlie at the Falls

Our Lion's roar was mild and gentle today

Calf muscles like Aunt Tina - GEEZ

Miss Karlie Ann fluttering like a social butterfly

Lincoln was Daddy's sidekick for the day

Miss Avery wears her emotions on her sleeves - Love you Avery

just one of many pictures captured by Charlie

Caleb trying to enjoy his dessert

just like his Aunt Tina - loves to take pictures of himself

Cousin Ellen and her boyfriend Nick (CT's pic)

sorry about your head Nick

Charlie getting his Aunt Becky's beautiful face on camera

The family singing Happy Birthday to the summer babies

Momma and Max stickin' together

Charlie and Cousin Ellen having a great time

Avery groovin' with Grandma Millie

Great Aunt Maridee with Max

Tim's Grandma Millie - My favorite Olson (sorry but she is!)

Grandma Millie gives the most generous hugs, the warmest smiles, the kindest heart,

and the constant positive attitude that is pretty contagious.

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