Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Friends For A Lifetime

Tim's lifetime friends Tate and Chuck came to meet the boys on Saturday with their wives Jess and Sheena. They are awesome friends that Tim and I can always count on!! We are already planning family and couples' vacations for the future. Charlie loves to talk to his "uncles" on the phone and couldn't wait to play with them.

Our Halloween party in the basement - Charlie put a hat on everyone for the picture

Chuck with Lincoln and Tate with Max

Tate and Jess got married the day after the babies were born so Charlie and I were unable to attend the wedding. Tim raced up to the cities to stand next to Tate and support his marriage.

Sheena with Lincoln and Jess with Max

The 3 Goofballs always find each other no matter where life takes them

Chuck and Sheena live in Nebraska now and Tate and Jess are in the cities

Boys To Men

Tate and Charlie taking a break from the action

Chuck and Charlie building or fixing or just making noise

Their introduction to the boys

Charlie couldn't wait to explore caves and get rides from his "uncles"

Oh Sheena how we all wish you lived closer!

She was distracting the boys from not wanting to eat again :)

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