The boys' Nama came down to visit on Sunday. We went to church, lunch, and home to play. It was wonderful quality time that Charlie very much enjoyed having. As Aunt Tina knows you can't play with Charlie AND hold the babies. Nama did her best to spread her attention to all 3 (as much as Charlie would let her).
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Face of Your Choice
On Sunday Tim and Charlie carved and painted their pumpkins that we picked with Malaki. It is always entertaining watching my husband be creative with a knife!! No one was hurt during the carving this year - HURRAY!
Charlie wanted to share his two favorite Halloween books with everyone. The first is called 'The Runaway Pumpkin' By: Kevin Lewis and 'Stellaluna' By: Janell Cannon
Painting the littlest pumpkin
Concentration is key to not hurting yourself Timmy!
Maybe the babies will join them next year
"Don't worry Nama and Grandma, it is a plastic knife"
Friends For A Lifetime
Tim's lifetime friends Tate and Chuck came to meet the boys on Saturday with their wives Jess and Sheena. They are awesome friends that Tim and I can always count on!! We are already planning family and couples' vacations for the future. Charlie loves to talk to his "uncles" on the phone and couldn't wait to play with them.
Our Halloween party in the basement - Charlie put a hat on everyone for the picture
Chuck with Lincoln and Tate with Max
Tate and Jess got married the day after the babies were born so Charlie and I were unable to attend the wedding. Tim raced up to the cities to stand next to Tate and support his marriage.
Sheena with Lincoln and Jess with Max
The 3 Goofballs always find each other no matter where life takes them
Chuck and Sheena live in Nebraska now and Tate and Jess are in the cities
Boys To Men
Tate and Charlie taking a break from the action
Chuck and Charlie building or fixing or just making noise
Their introduction to the boys
Charlie couldn't wait to explore caves and get rides from his "uncles"
Oh Sheena how we all wish you lived closer!
She was distracting the boys from not wanting to eat again :)
One Month Old
We can't believe that the babies are already one month old. This past month has been filled with diaper changes, feeding after feeding, lots of kisses and snuggle time, and adjusting to our new family. Both the babies are growing so fast. Tim and I just realized the other day that Max has grown into his skin! haha He had the wrinkliest legs we have ever seen and now they are filling in. They are still eating every 2 hours, making it around 3 hours at night. They are smiling all the time, mostly at Charlie. Lincoln is still needing Max to relax him. He was in bed the other night by himself grunting and moaning and Tim walked in with Max and Linc immediately calmed down. When Max gets hungry he just chews on Lincoln's fist. Amazing the bond they have at born.
Big brother has his good days and not so good days with his brothers in the house. Yesterday started at 3am with Charlie thinking it was morning. He then told me that he wanted me to put the babies back in my tummy. We are hoping today will be a better day (he slept until 8!)
Charlie feeding Max (lost the pants after church)
Nothing else in the world matters when I'm surrounded by these boys
A mother's love runs deeper than the ocean
Always connected
A captured smile from Maxwell before church
Another catnap
Charlie loves to try to hold them both at the same time
Maxwell George - a gentle, old soul
Lincoln Thomas - a determined, entertaining lil man
Charlie saying goodbye before his 1st playgroup.
Charlie's Sunday school teacher and her daughter picked Charlie up last Tuesday for his 1st play group w/o Mom. Jolly said he did awesome, laughed at the other kiddos and wore himself out playing. I definitely appreciated the 2 hours with the babies and got some things done while he was gone. I kept watching the clock hoping that he was ok. Who knew he didn't need his mom all the time. :)
Thank you Jolly for letting Charlie join your group! He had a great time and can't wait for next time.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Meet Mighty Mak
Mak, Mighty Mak, Malaki, or Hambone - our nephew/cousin was here for the weekend with my sister Mary and the boys' Grandma. Mary and Malaki wanted to get here asap to meet Maxwell and Lincoln. We made it to a pumpkin patch, the pool, and the backyard for fun. It was a great visit and we wish we could have more time with them. Next time we hope that Uncle Chris can join them.
Mak - loves to be naked!
Have been like brothers from the start
Uncle Tim having a blast with the boys - wonder how he is going to juggle 2 more next year
Aunt Tina and Mary getting ready to catch the boys
Never a warning - "Act First", Mak's motto
Aunts Tina and Mary reading with Charlie (he couldn't decide who to read with)
Mak shoving his mom in the tunnel
Max snoozing and Linc showing off
Dad and Grandma time
Aunt Mary and Lincoln bonding
Charlie in jail
Tina and Charlie hiding
Tina loves her boys - Mak calls her T-T
Mak and his beautiful Mommy
Charlie, Mak, and I wrestling
It felt awesome to play with Charlie this way again!
Tina captured this pic as Charlie was running and screaming
Trying to overcome his fears of the big kid swing
Malaki and his Mommy pumpkin hunting
This year's family picture after picking our pumpkins
Lincoln is in the carseat to the left and Max is the burrito in my arms
Grandma and her boys in a train
The whole crew on the hunt for pumpkins (Tim behind the camera)