Monday, June 16, 2008


Tim's Father's Day celebration started on Saturday. He was suprised to find out that he was getting his 3rd tattoo. It is his father's actual signature - Jon R. Olson. Heather (Tim's lil sis) got the tat a few months back and Tim knew that would be his next one. The timing had to be right and Father's Day was the perfect day to honor his own Dad.

The next part of Tim's gift was from Charlie. It is a picture frame with four generations of Olson men, golfing. The pictures have their full names printed on them to show the "father's tradition". The first picture is of the frame and the following are the actual pictures in the frame.

"Happy Father's Day Daddy"

1 comment:

Faye H said...

Wow Mel...what a great gift. I'm sure it will be treasured forever!