Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Olson Elves!

We spent the day with the Millie Olson family and it was eventful, entertaining, and joyful!  We played a game, opened presents, and ate and ate.  We can't thank you all enough for making this holiday season easier for us.  We are so grateful for the generous gifts for the boys and your thoughtfulness!  Thank you for your love, support, and support.  We love you all!

The 3 stooges before the party

Lincoln and his Great Great Aunt Janice

Tim and his Aunt Becky

Lincoln and Great Aunt Nancy had a great time today pretending to be Star Wars guys


opening presents

The lovely Jerin couple

Maxy and Auntie Heth goofin' around

Great Aunt Nancy with Max playing our game

Grandma Millie and her 6 great grandchildren

Grandma Millie with her 7 grandchildren

Grandma Millie with her grandchildren and their 4 add-ons :)

Ben and Tim having way too much fun!

Grandma Millie with 4 of her children with their spouses

My crew!

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