Monday, January 31, 2011

Nama and Aunt break down the door

Tim's mom and sister, Heather came down on Sunday to hang with the boys. After lunch, playin' everything and anything, and giggling, the boys passed out for a very late nap. Charlie, Max, and Lincoln enjoyed every minute of their afternoon with Aunt Heather and Nama. Lincoln clung onto Aunt Heather and Max wanted Nama to read, read, and read some more. Charlie was lucky enough to ride with them to lunch which always makes him feel special b/c the lil ones always ride with Mom and Dad. He gave them great directions and demanded the music be turned up. Love to Rock!!
Thanks ladies for a great afternoon and quality time with the boys. They will hang on to the laughs until the next time. The boys are looking forward to having their Nama as their Valentine's date!

Aunt Heather with the lil boys

Dad and Linc takin' the high road

Max the Monkey

Charlie, Aunt Heather and Max chattin' about Papa Jon

Who broke the ICE?!

"Sticker time, but where do I stick it?"

Linc had big secrets to tell Aunt Heather

Nama reading and Max lovin' it!

Make some noise for Auntie Hev!

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