Monday, November 15, 2010

The aging process has you firmly in its grasp...

If you never get the urge to throw a snowball!

Some random winter fun and amusing photos

Yea! Lincoln finally found his feet in the snow.

Yes, they have the same suit which I hate but we didn't have an option. It was either that or spending way more than needed. Thanks to Grandma we found another one the right size in Rapid CiTy!

Try, try and try again and you will succeed (standing isn't easy in this stuff)

I finally figured out how to slow them down! Huge snowsuits, lots of white fluffy snow AND plunk!

Max was happy watching everyone run around him

Charlie stopped long enough for me to get one pic of him

Way too funny to watch these two in these suits

Dad and Charlie (wearing Tina's scarf) building the first snowman of the season


Wanting to race but Max was going the wrong way.

Lincoln's bedtime routine - milk and diaper change haha

Updates on the boys:

Max was done with the nuk at 12 months 1 week (Linc never used one)

Done with bottles 12months 2 weeks

Lincoln walking at 13 months

Max walking at 13 months 2 weeks

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