Sunday, October 31, 2010


Last Monday we rushed to the ER to safe Maxwell's pinkie that got shut in the bathroom door. The pad of your finger that is under your fingernail was hanging by a thread on this poor baby's finger! I quickly wrapped the finger applying pressure while I got Charlie, Linc, and myself ready to go to the hospital. After 5 hours of holding his tiny lil hand, they finally stitched him up (8 stitches) WITHOUT anesthesia. They strapped him to a board, numbed the finger, and twenty minutes later I had him in my arms again. To make things worse, I had not had anything all day to eat or drink and it was noon by this time. While they were stitching his finger, I was talking to him, singing, anything to calm him down and I felt myself start to go (it has happened to me a lot - blackout). The doc grabbed me and put me in a chair while I continued to talk to Max and try to drink something.

And I have to say, while I am in the room with Max for hours Tim was in the waiting room with Lincoln and Charlie. The timing was "wonderful" and big boy Lincoln started to WALK! He took 8 steps for Tim and Charlie. I'm so glad it was one of us that got to see his first steps. Yes I am bummed that I wasn't with him. But I had to be with the child of mine that needed me the most.

Max hasn't let this slow him down. He has still been crawling all over and taking toys from his brothers. He will get the stitches out on Thursday and DAD will be with him this time. Talk about tugging on a Mama's heart! I told my dad that I want to put all the boys in a giant bubble, especially Maxwell. Enough is enough.

FYI, Charlie took pictures of Max's finger w/o a dressing on it for you to see. Beware if you have a squeamish tummy!

Still playing with dragons

Maxenstein's finger

Laughing at Mom bc he took the bandage off again

He found a way to do everything with all his fingers taped together

"Still going strong Mama. No worries"

The trucks aren't going to drive themselves

He is trying to keep up with Lincoln

Trying to eat and keep the bandage clean. What a deal!

1 comment:

jess hustad said...
