Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Making your donation to the Mankato Pet Shelter.

Taking your tour of the shelter with your big brother Charlie. Maxwell, your dad and I hope that you will recognize those in need and do something to help. There is ALWAYS something you can do, no matter what your situation in life is. It is one of the best feelings in the world, to do a selfless good deed.

Having your birthday dessert which you enjoyed so much more than your birthday cake.

One of your favorite things to do, EAT

Coloring with your big brother. You always want to be where Charlie is.

Opening your presents from the Jed, Jenni, and Keira. Thanks guys!

Max, there is so much that we love about you! I love your voice that you found early on, especially the way you say "NO". I love the way you drive trucks around the kitchen with your brothers and read books to those around you. I love your sense of humor, just like your Daddy's and Charlie's. Right now, my favorite thing that you do is snuggle with us. You give the biggest hugs that a one year old can give and it is the best feeling. You have a very sensitive side that warms my heart and reminds me of Charlie and myself. I know that Grandpa George and Grandma Helen were with you from the beginning and always will be!
We love you so much and thank the good Lord every day for the gift we call Maxwell!
May God soften the pillow you rest your head on at night
May he smooth the path you walk by day
No sorrows to depress you, only shadows to surround you,
God himself to bless you.

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