Monday, May 17, 2010

Date Night Starring Charles T. and Aunt Heather

Aunt Heather and Charlie filled Tina Fey and Steve Carrell's shoes last Wednesday on their date for Charlie's birthday. She took him for some chicken and ice cream, to Dad's office to get into trouble, and then to Target to do birthday shopping. They had lots of fun and then returned to the house to play with the babies and play with the new toys. Charlie's Nama came down for dinner that night and to see Charlie for some birthday fun as well. He had lots of fun and felt very special as he enjoyed being the center of attention.

Charlie at lunch with Aunt Heather

Aunt Heather playing with the babes

Getting some Max love

She had Linc laughing hard - always a good sign everyone is having a great time!

Taken by the photographer Charles Olson

Loves his new book from Nama

More dragon toys - couldn't be happier about that!

Snuggle Buddies

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