Thursday, July 23, 2009

To Blog Or Not To Blog

I have been questioning whether or not to continue blogging. My reasons for creating this blog in the first place was to keep family close to Charlie. What I have realized is that SO many people, not just family, love to watch him grow, change, and experience life through this blog. I have gotten so many WONDERFUL responses to my stories and my son that I can't imagine not sharing it with everyone.
It has become an every morning routine for Charlie and I to have our breakfast in front of the lab top looking at our blog and all of the others that are links to ours. This is how Tim and I have tried to update Charlie in what his cousins are doing along with the phone calls he receives daily. We have chosen to make the people that are most important to us, important to Charlie. Even though he isn't fortunate enough to see everyone he loves on a daily basis or even weekly, he still talks about them and enjoys looking at their pictures while we share memories with him. He has inturn created his own memories and keeps people close to his heart. As parents, I think this is one of the MOST important things that we do. People get busy with their everyday lives and "lose" track of time, BUT Charlie still knows that he is loved by all and they think of him often. I wanted to end this post with some of the things that are stored in Charlie's memory bank, some of which he experienced and others that we have shared and continue to share with him everyday.
Charlie knows...Nama loves to water flowers and calls him "Buddy", Uncle Tim and Izzy love to watch hockey together, Aunt Heather is getting married and always has a dinosaur in her purse for Charlie, Aunt Mary always makes him feel better (just like Momma can), Unlce JP likes to hunt and Cousin Karlie LOVES to dance, Uncle Gabe and Charlie always talk about their bikes and Kyra, Aunt Tina loves clothes and jewelry and Charlie likes to help her get dressed, Uncle Chris works hard everyday on BIG machines and will be home soon, Aunt Emily has a tiny baby, Cousin Claire Bear makes him laugh and likes Dora, Cousin Mak is a movie freak and will always have his back, Aunt Faye has curly hair and loves to tickle him, Papa calls him "Charles T." and gives him huge hugs and kisses and they share the same love for hats(but you can't forget the truck Papa drives :), Grandma loves to shop and paint with Charlie and always shares her lotion with him, Sophie has giant cheeks and loves to play "mommy", Uncle Terry always gives Charlie a horsey ride, Grandpa Rol loves purple grapes and Grandma Millie is always watching Wheel of Fortune when Charlie is, he remembers that Grandpa Ed was his train buddy and shared green grapes and cookies with Charlie. He knows that we pray for Cousin Amanda and her baby. He knows that "uncles" Tate and Chuck play golf with Daddy and really likes Neil's girlfriend Molly. Some of the memories that Charlie doesn't have but Tim and I cherish are those of people that we have lost. Charlie knows that his Papa Jon loved making homemade pizza and was a great swimmer, and he knows that Grandma Arlene liked her lipstick and hats and loved to buy Mommy dresses. He knows that Grandma Helen did crazy things on vacations and had "magic" fingers to put Mommy to sleep.
Tim and I will continue sharing memories with Charlie and making new ones when we can. Things are very hectic at our house these days but we have not lost focus of what and who is important to us. Charlie loves all of the phone calls, messages, mail, and emails that he receives so please continue to think of him and our little ones on the way. (If I have forgotten someone, it is because I ran out of juice :)
Charlie and I are still in Rapid City enjoying some relaxation and much needed time in the beautiful Black Hills. We are missing Dad but we will be home in a few days. Charlie is very excited to support his Dad once again at the annual golf tournament for Tim's father. Lots of pictures will be added once we are back in MN. We hope you are ALL doing well and appreciate the love and support you provide.
Love, Melissa and her boys (all 4 of them)!

1 comment:

jess hustad said...

and these are the reasons i love your blog :)