Sunday, June 21, 2009


On Saturday we spent some time with Charlie's great grandparents, Millie and Rol. We talked about seeing Grandpa Rol and wishing him Happy Father's Day all morning. When we got there, Charlie pushed past Grandma Millie and RAN to Grandpa to give him a giant hug. I practically started to cry seeing the look on Rol's face. Charlie made Grandpa Rol a bird bath and took him and Grandma Millie for lunch. Charlie was also given a huge police helicopter from his great grandparents which he loves.

"I'm very proud of my new helicopter"

No other toy exists right now

Charlie and his ladies at lunch

The Olson Men - can't wait to add two more to this picture

"Happy Father's Day Grandpa Rol"

Charlie had Grandma Millie on the ground, up and down the stairs, and building towers for him :)

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