Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mom & Charlie Day

We didn't have baby Auden yesterday so Charlie and I took advantage of the free time. We went to the park before lunch, which was completely empty (extremely nice!). After I was done tutoring, we met our friends Kari and Mitchel at the pool. Then it was off to Dino's for dinner with Dad before I had my meeting. The waitress gave Charlie a ball of pizza dough to play with which he loved. Hope everyone's summer is going as well as ours!

Exploring on his own

"I love my life!"

Always his favorite part

Swinging together - trying to get a mother/son picture :)

Off to the toddler pool

Time for a nap

Our friends Mitchel and Kari

(Kari's c-section is Aug 4th!!)

"Am I suppose to eat this Momma?"

"I am playing with food and NOT getting in trouble!"


Anonymous said...

love the pics! miss you charlie!

schweitzers said...

I can not wait to squeeze you charlie, miss you more than you'll ever know. I LOVE YOU!!!