Thursday, April 17, 2014

Papa and Grandma spring visit

Building with Papa's lincoln logs

racing home from the bus stop

Charlie just saw what Papa and Gran got him for his birthday - basketball hoop!

Max is catching on to chess now.

First thing he wants to do every day now

Mom and Charles T. 

Grandma and Max making cookies

Reading books with Papa


Easter Celebration with Olsons & Haggars

Palm Sunday was a wonderful celebration filled with laughter, hugs, stories, tons of food, and EGGS!  I was more than happy that my parents were able to join the party this time.  Our menu was mixed with Haggar favorites and the Olsons go to dishes.  My mom made her amazing lamb and baklava!  Tim added his delicious cigars.  I was finally able to show the Olsons what a Haggar holiday meal looks like.  They were very pleased!
We were also able to celebrate May birthdays at the party, which is Michele and Charlie.  Thanks to everyone for adding to the meal, sharing their day with us, and spoiling our children!  We love you all!
FYI - most of the pictures were taken by the kids

Just part of our meal!  Yum

Men talking shop

some pretty great nieces

Lil Avery

Aunt Michele and Aunt Maridee

Aunt Bec blowing kisses

Cousin Sarah

Cool kid on the block

Papa waiting patiently for the lamb

Crazy Uncle Ben

oh gran!

The amazing desserts!

Uncle Art trying out baby toys

singing to the birthday kids

Happy Birthday!

Grandma and Papa left after lunch.  Always a sad good bye

Grandma Millie and Sarah

Avery and Lincoln - too sweet

Aunt Nancy's main squeeze

Ready, Set, Go!

Caleb and Nick did a great job hiding the eggs in the backyard
Claire and Charlie

Karlie helping Max

Racing to open the eggs

Time to open the eggs 

Ben trying out the baby clothes for his son. :)

Ellen and her main squeeze Lincoln

a "heated" basketball game after lunch
so much fun!

Jump Rope for Heart 2014

We could not be more proud of our Charles Timothy!  He worked his little bum off to raise money for the American Heart Association.  His goal was $1000 and he raised $1050!  He called family and friends and walked door to door, not giving up.  Charlie was jumping in honor of his Papa Jon and great grandfather George.  
We were lucky enough to have Papa and Grandma in town so they could join him during the event.  His Phy Ed teacher put stations together, all including jumping.  They had to jump in potato sacks, hula hoop, jump rope, and dance.  
We would like to thank everyone again for supporting Charlie and his efforts to help those with heart disease.

Papa participating in all of the activities while Gran took pictures.

So lucky Papa is so active!

Pretty awesome kid!



This year the Big Climb had over 600 climbers and raised just under $150,000.  Our team was small this year but big in heart and determination.  Tim and I were so excited that our niece, Karlie Ann, was old enough to climb with us!  Em and JP were smiling the whole time at their daughter and her accomplishment.  We hope to get a big team together again next year.  Ultimately we are blessed to be healthy enough to participate and support a great cause.
Tim and JP climbed 96 flights
Emily, Karlie, and Melissa climbed 48 flights

Stretching those legs

Our 2014 team
Emily, Tim, Melissa, JP, and Karlie

Karlie taking a minute to remember her Nama by her picture.

"Almost there guys!"

Proud mom with her kiddo

Sweaty, tired Uncle Tim and Karlie at the finish line

Karlie welcomed her Dad at the finish line.

The DJ had all the firefighters dancing after the climb


the other half
(so freakin' proud of my husband who pushed himself to his limits to finish 96 flights of stairs in 19 minutes)