I dare you to take on TWO very tired parents, TWO five month olds who are teething and now fighting signs of a cold, and ONE almost three year old who is starving for everyone's attention and jumping off the walls day and night! I DARE YOU! Well one person took on my dare and is still hanging on, even though she fights arthritis daily, asthma, working miles and miles away from her office, and left her other children, grandchildren and husband just to be here. We are grateful, blessed, and finally getting some rest. Thank you!
"Please feel sorry for me OR I'll bite your knuckle right off"
'Oh brother"
In between all the snuggles, diaper changes, feedings, and crying, Grandma has managed to make the boys 5 new blankets, entertain their big brother, make dinners, paint a picture for her sister, and give me the support that a person who hasn't slept in 7 months needs (last 2 months of pregnancy were H***).
Our trip to the Children's Museum with Papa and Grandma
Yes I am holding Charles T. and carrying Linc in the pouch - Don't ask
Papa and Charlie taking a bus ride at the museum
Grandma and Max smoochin'
Max and Papa have the most incredible conversations
Grandma and Max at Dino's
Grandma making the kiddos crafts for Valentine's day
This is the best story of the weekend Papa was here:
CT and Papa are outside playing in the snow and throwing it at each other etc. Papa got Charlie right in the face, down the throat and Charlie says: "Papa PLEASE don't do that!" hahaha When my dad told me what happened I couldn't stop laughing - That's my boy and his manners!