Sunday, January 31, 2010

Aunt Tina or Te-Te take your pick

The boys' Aunt Tina makes weekly visits to see them and they always want to visit her at work. All of her employees know the boys and enjoy their visits. Charlie has quite a few girlfriends at Maurices now :). It is great that she lives so close and loves to check in on us. I have had an awesome time with my older sister, long talks, shopping, and dining in "friendly" restaurants. Every time we get together we miss our lil sis Mary - "We're the 3 best friends that anyone could have!"

Snuggle Bugs Tina and CT

Tina and Linc chatting about who knows what but Linc thought it was so funny that he got the hiccups
That night Tina taught Linc how to blow very wet bubbles

Need to get Maxwell enjoying Tina time

Stinkin' Lincoln

Lincoln Thomas is the main act in our circus. He wants constant attention from anyone in the room and usually gets it. He has extremely high highs and low lows. Tim and I have said numerous times that he is one that we will have to have our eyes on at all times. He thinks Charlie is hilarious and adores his Aunt Tina. Linc will usually fall asleep in the middle of throwing a fit and wake up with the brightest smile on his face. He always listens to Max w/o interrupting which I love. They continue to chew on each other and sleep thru each other's cries. At the doctor on Friday (4 mo. baby well check) we discovered that Linc has a lil acid reflex problem which explains a lot. He is now on meds for that but we haven't seen a change yet. Both boys are still getting 90% breast milk every day (which I am very proud of). Toward the end of the day I am running low so the boys get about 4 oz of formula a day - NOT BAD! They are still waking up on average once a night to eat but go right back to sleep. Lincoln's 4 month stats are below.
Lincoln Thomas sound asleep in the middle of playing
Height 24 1/2 in. (36 % for a fullterm baby)
Weight 13 lbs 15 oz (32% for a fullterm baby)
Charlie look-a-like!! We took this same picture of Charlie when he was 3+ months old and it is amazing how the two look alike

Lincoln playing peek-a-boo in the castle at the museum

Getting some energy out on the floor

Muscle Man

Saxy Maxy

Well Maxwell is growing like a weed and can't seem to get enough to eat. He is still looking like a Wyant (mom's side of family) but with each passing day he looks more like his Dad. He is the sweetest baby boy with a soft, pathetic cry, and a great belly laugh. Maxwell is a sensitive lil boy just like his older brother. He loves talking to both of his brothers and playing with his toys. His favorite toys right now are the lil horses that Aunt Colleen and cousin Ali gave them and his Eric Carle rattles from Grandma. He has completely recovered from the hernia and is as strong as ever. He actually beat both of his brothers being the first to roll over (Charlie never did as a baby). He is a VERY routine baby, on a great nap schedule putting himself to sleep everytime. His stats are below.

Maxwell George
Height - 24 1/4 in (36 % for a fullterm baby)
Weight - 14 lbs 5 oz (40% for a fullterm baby)
Cool Dude

Enjoying alone time with Momma

He is soooo much stronger now and loves to be on his tummy, JUST so he can roll

Super Woman

Because I know she wouldn’t give herself enough credit, I got this one. I think I can count the times I have blogged on one hand, but this is one of Melissa's favorite pastimes. She loves her children so much and is so proud of her family that she wants to share them with the whole world. On top of staying home with an almost three-going-on-almost-thirteen-year-old and the Olson Twins (no relation), she is now staying home with three other kids that aren't ours. How she doesn’t go crazy and kill me in my sleep, I will never know. She loves getting out with Tina and having some adult girl time and having the occasional night out with the hubby. I tell ya, by 8 o'clock, if we are lucky enough to have a quiet house, it’s off to bed. Sometimes we will do something stupid, like watch a movie until 11:00 (why, why, why, why). Melissa is an amazing wife, and dear friend, and a selfless mother. Watching her mother these kids is truly an amazing experience.

Mommy and her boys. She did a pretty amazing job!

Mommy, and the mommiest of mommas boys!

Fun at the famous Mankato River Hills Mall carousel.

It started as a puppet show, but turned into a ventriloquist act.

Mom making Maxwell giggle. Its a pretty special bond.

Can you fondue and hold an infant at the same time? Doubtful.

Paging Dr. Charles

Charles Timothy has so much going on these days he doesn't know what's coming next. Something that Aunt Tina started with Charlie was playing doctor and she "pages" him which he loves! Three new things that Charlie is into these days are Lego's (Aunt Heather, Papa and Grandma started him on), dinosaurs, and Mr. Potato Head. He loves helping with his brothers and I realize that I couldn't do this without him. Whether it is running for diapers, burp cloths, or nuks Charlie is on the go. He now will try to soothe the boys when they are upset which just makes me sit back and laugh. Charlie is getting much better at trying new foods w/o tears, BUT always needs his Ranch to mask the flavor of most things. He still loves getting "fun mail" (his words) from his pen pals (cousins) and grandparents. Independence is the name of the game these days. He insists on getting himself dressed, needing complete privacy to go potty, and helping his younger friends get ready for the outdoors. Overall, he is a happy, intelligent, and charismatic two (almost three) year old.

Charlie taking Max on his first carousel ride

His latest package from Grandma (he has to sleep with the Lorax every night now)

Charlie teaching Max how to dance

Sir Charles at his throne in the new museum

Enjoying dinner and a movie with his brothers

Tim said this is what Charlie is going to look like when he starts school :)

Still loves his puzzles

Giving Dad directions in the snowfort

Engineer by Day, Brew Master/Mr. Mom by Night

Tim has been keeping himself busy these days by designing storm water management plans, brewing beer with coworkers, building snow/blanket forts with Charles T., and giving his wife plenty of kid-free time. He works hard to stretch himself in every direction to please those around him. He could be see-through before we know it!

Daddy and Max getting lunch for the family

Daddy, Max, and Charlie on the horses

Daddy and Lincoln at the new museum in Mankato

Charlie and Daddy painting the locker that Papa made CT

Completed pictures of the locker coming soon

Alan and Carlos from "The Hangover"

Daddy built a huge snowfort in the backyard for Charlie - the neighbors thought Tim was working on an underground tunnel for Charlie to get to their house.

His favorite thing to do - snuggle his boys

That's right - This is Charlie helping Dad sanitize equipment for brewin'

Tim can't wait for his boys to help him brew someday. They will start with rootbeer (same process) and EVENTUALLY work towards the real stuff.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Newest Christians: Maxwell George and Lincoln Thomas

The babies were baptized on Sunday (the day of Christ's baptism) and it was our proudest moment as their parents. I still remember the feelings I had while Charlie was baptized. It is hard to explain but after everything was over and Tim and I had a chance to reconnect with each other, we ended up explaining the same feelings. After a very stressful pregnancy and worries of Max's surgery, it was a great feeling to know that the boys are forever Christians and recognized as Christ's own.
Maxwell's godparents are my brother Tim and his wife Faye AND my sister Mary and her husband Christopher. Lincoln's godparents are Tim's sister Heather and my sis Mary AND our lifetime friends Tate and Andy. We know their godparents will always have them in their hearts and prayers, and will help show them the way to our Lord.
We were blessed to have most of our family with us. It took my parents and sister Mary 1 1/2 days to get here due to snow. My brother Tim and his family drove in on Saturday and had to leave right after church. It was an extremely short trip for my family BUT it was wonderful to see their dedication to our children. Tim's family also made the trip from surrounding cities to be here to help us celebrate and share their unconditional love with the boys.
Since my parents and Mary got here on Friday afternoon they were able to have quality time with the boys doing lots of fun things.
Thank you to everyone for your love and support from near and far! It was a wonderful day for our little family and we feel every blessed and grateful for everything and everyONE in our lives.

The proud Father and Godfather, Tim and Tate

Mother and Grandmother aka Nama with ONLY two of the Olson boys

Aunt Tina, Great Aunt Kathy, and Grandma enjoying each other's company

Great Grandma Milie with Maxwell relaxing in pjs

Charlie loving the fact that Jeanne came w/o her hubby :)

Aunt Heather with Max and Lincoln with Jeanne (a GREAT friend)

Papa, Aunt Tina, Aunt Mary, Great Aunt Kathy, Great Aunt Teresa, and Cousin Amanda having lunch

Aunt Faye, Uncle Tim, and Aunt Mary with Maxwell

Unfortunately I was unable to get a picture with Linc and his godparents, my camera was acting up and was left in my coat pocket most of the time. Thanks to my cousin Amanda I will have great pictures to have very soon.

Great Aunt Becky and Lincoln in his tux after his big moment

Great Uncle Terry making Max smile

Wonderful friends Tate (one of Linc's godfathers) and his wife Jess with Lincoln

Great Grandma with the proud parents and newest baptized Christians Max and Linc

the big brother crashed with Aunt Mary after company left

Daddy and Papa feeding the hungry babies

Fun times to be had with family

Mary, Christina, Me, and Tim after a great night of games and laughter

Aunt Faye helping Momma Izzy feed Lincoln. She was a pro and I'd take her help any day of the week

Game Faces painted on

Grandma and Charlie waiting to ride the horses

Papa has the touch. Seriously! This child of mine becomes a stiff board and a LOUD babe when he's tired except when Papa is holding him. Papa just rubs his belly and Linc passes out. Now how do I get my Dad here for every nap?!

Aunt Tina and Charlie riding Deigo's Tour Bus

Mary and Tim after a crazy ride - no they didn't their lunch :)

Dad and Charlie in the race car. We all stood back and waited for tears from CT but all we heard was laughter and the hiccups

"I hate waiting in line Mom!"

Papa and Charlie in the hot air balloon ride

A great picture of Dad and son watching brother

Charlie and Aunt Mary on the train ride

Papa and Charlie at LegoLand

Papa and Grandma with CT building cars from Legos